Mukusu Scholarship Program provides full scholarships to deserving students in Kenya who cannot afford education because of poverty.  

Empowering Dreams, Transforming Lives.

Our mission is to empower and uplift children living in poverty in West Pokot County, Kenya by providing them with access to quality education through our scholarship program.

We believe that every child deserves the opportunity to thrive regardless of their socio-economic background.

By offering financial support, mentorship, and resources, we aim to break the cycle of poverty and cultivate future leaders who will positively impact their communities and beyond.

Many children are living in poverty
and struggling to get an education. 
Education is key to improving lives and creating opportunities for people anywhere in the world.

We provide Scholarships for Education.

The purpose of the Mukusu Legacy Scholarship Program is to harness and nourish the capabilities that lie within Kenya's youth, particularly young people experiencing financial barriers to education and skills development. We do this through school scholarships and making sure that the student's personal needs are met.

Education.  We support and enable children who are unable to afford school fees, uniforms and essential supplies.

Nurturing.  Boarding the students during their school breaks, if necessary.

Health.  Care is available to students with health needs.

Student Background Stories

  • “…was born 16 years ago in West Pokot County - he sat for his KCPE at Daylight School in 2023 - his mother is partially disabled he also has a brother  who is completely disabled and mentally challenged . His father was previously employed as cook at Daylight Model School, but got fired because of drunkenness and chronic absenteeism. His mother, who has been bread winner, was involved in road accident in December 2023, and can no longer fend for the family.” …enrolled at a local high school in 2024!

  • “…was born in 2008 in a family of eleven, father, mother 3 brothers and 5 sisters.  Her father is a poor church minister and the mother is a house wife, the family survives on the church offerings they own no land, and they live in rental houses.  Three of her sisters joined high school up to form two but dropped out, and now they occasionally hawk merchandise at a nearby market to earn a living.

    She sat her KCPE in 2021 and scored 296 marks and joined high school but dropped out. She was out of the school the whole of 2023 until we sought her admission at a girls high school.  She is supposed to be in form three in 2024 but she is doing form two because she missed a year.”